Monthly Archives: December 2011

Archimedes’ Circular Reasoning

Every geometry textbook has formulas for the circumference (\(C = 2 \pi r\)) and area (\(A = \pi r^2\)) of a circle. But where do these come from? How can we prove them?

Well, the first is more a definition than a theorem: the number \(\pi\) is usually defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter: \(\pi = C/(2r)\). Armed with this, we can compute the area of a circle. Archimedes’ idea (in 260 BCE) was to approximate this area by looking at regular \(n\)-sided polygons drawn inside and outside the circle, as in the diagram below. Increasing \(n\) gives better and better approximations to the area.

Approximating circle area with triangles
The n-sided regular polygons inside (blue) and outside (red) a circle can be used to approximate the area of the circle. Shown here for n=12.

Look first at the inner polygon. Its perimeter is slightly less than the circle’s circumference, \(C = 2 \pi r\), and the height of each triangle is slightly less than \(r\). So when reassembled as shown, the triangles form a rectangle whose area is just under \(C/2\cdot r = \pi r^2\). Likewise, the outer polygon has area just larger than \(\pi r^2\). As \(n\) gets larger, these two bounds get closer and closer to \(\pi r^2\), which is therefore the circle’s area.

Archimedes used this same idea to approximate the number \(\pi\). Not only was he working by hand, but the notion of “square root” was not yet understood well enough to compute with. Nevertheless, he was amazingly able to use 96-sided polygons to approximate the circle! His computation included impressive dexterity with fractions: for example, instead of being able to use \(\sqrt{3}\) directly, he had to use the (very close!) approximation \(\sqrt{3} > 265/153\). In the end, he obtained the bounds \( 3\frac{10}{71} < \pi < 3\frac{1}{7} \), which are accurate to within 0.0013, or about .04%. (In fact, he proved the slightly stronger but uglier bounds \(3\frac{1137}{8069} < \pi < 3\frac{1335}{9347}\). See this translation and exposition for more information on Archimedes’ methods.)

These ideas can be pushed further. Focus on a circle with radius 1. The area of the regular \(n\)-sided polygon inscribed in this circle can be used as an approximation for the circle’s area, namely \(\pi\). This polygon has area \(A_n = n/2 \cdot \sin(360/n)\) (prove this!). What happens when we double the number of sides? The approximation changes by a factor of $$\frac{A_{2n}}{A_n} = \frac{2\sin(180/n)}{\sin(360/n)} = \frac{1}{\cos(180/n)}.$$ Starting from \(A_4 = 2\), we can use the above formula to compute \(A_8,A_{16},A_{32},\ldots\), and in the limit we find that $$\pi = \frac{2}{\cos(180/4)\cdot\cos(180/8)\cdot\cos(180/16)\cdots}.$$ Finally, recalling that \(\cos(180/4) = \cos(45) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}\) and \(\cos(\theta/2) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}(1+\cos\theta)}\) (whenever \(\cos(\theta/2) \ge 0\)), we can rearrange this into the fun infinite product $$\frac{2}{\pi} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}} \cdot \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}} \cdot \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}}} \cdots$$ (which I found at Mathworld). (It’s ironic that this formula for a circle uses so many square roots!)

Voronoi Cells on a Plane

As a pilot of an (oversimplified) airplane, you may want to know how to communicate with the nearest control tower to receive information on local weather, air traffic, and so on. Each control tower has some region of the map that it “controls,” i.e., where it is closer than any other tower. An example is drawn below. These regions are known as the Voronoi regions (or Voronoi cells) of the points, and the whole diagram is the Voronoi decomposition determined by those points.

Example Voronoi decomposition
The Voronoi diagram of 20 randomly chosen points in a square

For a given set of points, we can imagine the corresponding Voronoi regions as follows: grow disks around the points at the same rate, stopping when they hit each other. A disk collides with other disks exactly when its center ceases to be closest, so these regions are indeed the Voronoi cells.

Generating Voronoi cells by growing circles
The Voronoi cells can be created by growing circles around the points.

Now let’s kick this into third gear—by which I mean the third dimension. In the animation above, suppose that the circles were moving downward over time, producing a cone below each point. By looking at these cones from above, we see exactly the Voronoi regions! Since cones are easy for computers to render, this provides a handy trick for quickly drawing Voronoi decompositions. In fact, this is how I drew all of these images!

Voronoi regions from cones
By placing identical, vertical cones under the points, one sees the corresponding Voronoi regions from directly above.

This construction is not only of theoretical value, but has also been put to good use packaging Ferrero Rocher chocolates:

Voronoi regions in Ferrero Rocher packaging
Voronoi regions in Ferrero Rocher packaging

Who knew these (delicious!) spherical candies were so mathematical?

Astounding “Natural” Identities

The modest sequence \(1,2,3,4,\ldots\) can do some rather awe-inspiring things, when properly arranged. Here’s a short list of some of its many impressive feats.

There are numerous expressions for \(\pi\) relying on the progression of integers, including the Wallis formula: $$\frac{\pi}{2} = \frac{2}{1} \cdot \frac{2}{3} \cdot \frac{4}{3} \cdot \frac{4}{5} \cdot \frac{6}{5} \cdot \frac{6}{7} \cdots$$ (which can be derived from Complex Analysis using an infinite product representation for the sine function) and an elegant alternating sum: $$\frac{\pi-3}{4} = \frac{1}{2\cdot 3\cdot 4}-\frac{1}{4\cdot 5\cdot 6}+\frac{1}{6\cdot 7\cdot 8}-\cdots$$ (try to prove this!). Euler’s number \(e\) has similarly surprising formulas, such as $$\frac{1}{e-2} = 1+\frac{1}{2+\frac{2}{3+\frac{3}{4+\frac{4}{5+\cdots}}}}$$ (listed at MathWorld) and $$\frac{e}{e-1} = 1+\frac{1+\frac{1+\frac{1+\cdots}{2+\cdots}}{2+\frac{2+\cdots}{3+\cdots}}}{2+\frac{2+\frac{2+\cdots}{3+\cdots}}{3+\frac{3+\cdots}{4+\cdots}}}$$ (which is problem 1745 in Mathematics Magazine, posed by Gerald A. Edgar).

The list doesn’t stop here! The nested square-root identity $$3 = \sqrt{1+2\sqrt{1+3\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{1+\cdots}}}}$$ is attributed to Ramanujan (on this Wikipedia page). As another curiosity, the sequence $$\frac{1}{2},\qquad
\frac{1}{2} \Big/ \frac{3}{4},\qquad
\frac{\frac{1}{2} \big/ \frac{3}{4}}{\frac{5}{6} \big/ \frac{7}{8}},\qquad
\frac{\frac{1}{2} \big/ \frac{3}{4}}{\frac{5}{6} \big/ \frac{7}{8}} \bigg/ \frac{\frac{9}{10} \big/ \frac{11}{12}}{\frac{13}{14} \big/ \frac{15}{16}},\qquad\ldots$$ (which relates to the Thue-Morse sequence) can be shown to converge to \(\sqrt{2}/2\).

There are many pretty/unexpected/crazy formulas obtainable from the natural numbers \(1,2,3,4,\ldots\) that could not fit in this post. What are some of your favorites?

A Distinctly Odd Coincidence

This week’s topic comes from partition theory. Consider all the ways to write 7 as the sum of positive integers:
&7, && 3+2+2,\\
&6+1, && 3+2+1+1,\\
&5+2, && 3+1+1+1+1,\\
&5+1+1, && 2+2+2+1,\\
&4+3, && 2+2+1+1+1,\\
&4+2+1, && 2+1+1+1+1+1,\\
&4+1+1+1, && 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1.\\
&3+3+1, &&
\end{align*}$$ (We don’t care about order: for example, \(5+2\) and \(2+5\) are the same.) These are called the partitions of 7, and there are 15 of them.

We can also consider imposing constraints on these partitions: For example, how many of these partitions of 7 use only odd integers? These “odd” partitions are
& 7, && 3+1+1+1+1, \\
& 5+1+1, && 1+1+1+1+1+1+1, \\
& 3+3+1, &&
\end{align*}$$ and there are 5 of them. Here’s a very different question: how many partition of 7 have no repeated parts? These “distinct” partition are
& 7, && 6+1, && 5+2, && 4+3, && 4+2+1,
\end{align*}$$ and there are 5 of these as well.

This must be coincidence, right? Let’s try a bigger example. How many partitions of 11 use only odd parts? You can (and should!) check that there are 12. And how many partitions of 11 use only distinct parts? Again, there are 12. Surprisingly, these numbers will always match!:

Theorem (Euler): For any positive integer \(n\), the number of “odd” partitions of \(n\) is the same as the number of “distinct” partitions of \(n\).

Transforming Between “Odd” and “Distinct” Partitions

Let’s try to make sense of this. Given a partition of \(n\) into odd parts, there is a simple way to transform it into a partition with distinct parts: whenever two parts are the same, add them together, and repeat until they are all distinct. For example, the partition \(7+3+3+3+3+3+3+1+1+1\) of 28 is transformed into
& 7+(3+3)+(3+3)+(3+3)+(1+1)+1 \\
& \quad \to 7+(6+6)+6+2+1 \\
& \quad \to 12+7+6+2+1,
\end{align*}$$ which has distinct parts. In the other direction, to transform a “distinct” partition to an “odd” one, we can reverse this process: whenever there is an even part, cut it in half and write it twice. Our example \(12+7+6+2+1\) from above becomes
& (6+6)+7+(3+3)+(1+1)+1 \\
&\quad \to (3+3)+(3+3)+7+3+3+1+1+1,
\end{align*}$$ which is the “odd” permutation we started with. These transformations can be shown to match “odd” permutations with “distinct” permutations in pairs, proving that these sets have the same size. (A careful argument uses binary representation.) For example, the 5 partitions of 7 above are paired as follows:
& 7 &&\leftrightarrow && 7 \\
& 6+1 &&\leftrightarrow && 3+3+1 \\
& 5+2 &&\leftrightarrow && 5+1+1 \\
& 4+3 &&\leftrightarrow && 3+1+1+1+1 \\
& 4+2+1 &&\leftrightarrow && 1+1+1+1+1+1+1.
\end{align*}$$ (If you know something about generating functions, then a different proof follows by proving the identity
$$\frac{1}{(1-x)(1-x^3)(1-x^5)(1-x^7)\cdots} = (1+x)(1+x^2)(1+x^3)(1+x^4)\cdots$$ and noting that the coefficients of \(x^n\) in the expansions of the left and right products equals the number of “odd” and “distinct” permutations of \(n\), respectively.)

More Coincidences

These apparent coincidences are characteristic of many results in partition theory. Try your hand at proving the following generalization:

Theorem: The number of partitions of \(n\) into parts that are not divisible by 10 equals the number of partitions of \(n\) where no part is repeated 10 or more times. The same is true for any positive integer in place of 10.

(Hint: both methods used above can be extended to prove this.) If instead we want the parts to be really distinct and make sure no two parts are equal or consecutive, then we want my favorite partition theory result:

Theorem (Rogers-Ramanujan Identity): The number of partitions of \(n\) where any two parts differ by at least 2 is the same as the number of partitions of \(n\) where every part is one more or one less than a multiple of 5.

Despite the simplicity of the statement, this is much harder to prove than the previous theorems.